“Would you rather...fight Gennady Golovkin, who is 28-0 with 25 knockouts in a 3 round fight. Or: Make sure you use hashtag in every conversation you have at least once. As in “Hi mom, how are you doing? hashtag good morning.” You have to do this for a year.”
I admit you have me conflicted with this one. The option I'm not considering at all is actually going a year having conversations with people where I constantly use the term hashtag. So effectively you've given me the option of having a very dangerous but very short battle with a professional puncher, or take a vow of silence for a year. Much as I think I could survive the Golovkin encounter, I feel the vow of silence is more me. Plus if I needed to speak, then I could always say something like, "Take me to the hospital! Hashtag emergency" which I would avoid as much as possible. Should I fail to keep my vow of silence- hashtag shame.