“You must choose between the following: you become a paid shill for the NCAA. This means that you have to travel the country promoting NCAA policies and vouch for its usefulness and mission. This includes going on TV for panel shows and interviews in addition to giving presentations at conferences and universities. You are away from home 3-4 out of 5 work days and you are paid $70,000 a year after taxes. Your other option is that you have to have balls in your face for 3 minutes in a row, once a month for a full year. You don’t get to choose when this happens. Which do you choose?”
I choose balls in face. That's not a thousandth as gross as being a relatively low paid shill for the NCAA. Plus, the job takes me away from Maisy a lot. Even more horrifying. NCAA has policies I don't believe in and I think are bad for millions of people. It's very hard to get me to compromise my ethics. I'd rather be in the Dark Knight Rises prison again.