Writer/Director: Emmanuelle Bercot
Starring: Deborah Francois
Spoiler Level: Minor
This French film about a student who can’t afford school and ends up turning to prostitution decided to go with the thesis: prostitution is bad for the prostitute. Mostly I assume that to be the case already, and consequently this did little to forward my thinking on any subject. Student Services, as French films are want to do, took itself extremely seriously, so failing to be particularly thought-provoking means that it failed to be particularly, well, anything. I can’t emphasize enough the degree of under to which you will be whelmed.
“I’m more than ready to accept that the western world’s expensive post high school education institutions are underhandedly encouraging bright young girl to sell their bodies to pay for the psychotically expensive rubber stamp schools provide.”
So you might be wondering why I watched it. It’s simple really. I was hoping for a criticism of the insane university system. I’m more than ready to accept that the western world’s post high school education institutions are underhandedly encouraging bright young girl to sell their bodies to pay for the psychotically expensive rubber stamp schools provide. The film didn’t emphasize the connection between the prostitution and the supreme cost of schooling, however, so who cares. I guess people just aren’t ready to accept how truly broken higher education is. Scam is a good word. Abomination is another. Degree mills. Scrapheap with a bright coat of paint. Hive of villainy. Cesspool of bureaucracy. Close-minded, antediluvian, prolonging of adolescence masquerading as a zen garden of diversity when in reality the only thing that’s diverse are the literal skin tones because every message from every student group and every professor is all the same, and diversity of thought and freedom of speech really aren’t valued. Have you heard that Pandora ad encouraging you to go to IT school?
“Did you know that 2 million people quit their jobs every month? Like Jason who used to work third shift scraping maggots out of a garbage truck wearing a hasmat suit. Well Jason turned in his hasmat suit for an IT degree in just six months.” So on and so forth. Well, I can honestly say that I’d rather scrape maggots out of a garbage truck than pay for college again with both my time and money. And even after having watched Student Services, I think it’s possible I’d rather be a prostitute.