
NCAA Shill v. Homoeroticism

You must choose between the following: you become a paid shill for the NCAA. This means that you have to travel the country promoting NCAA policies and vouch for its usefulness and mission. This includes going on TV for panel shows and interviews in addition to giving presentations at conferences and universities. You are away from home 3-4 out of 5 work days and you are paid $70,000 a year after taxes. Your other option is that you have to have balls in your face for 3 minutes in a row, once a month for a full year. You don’t get to choose when this happens. Which do you choose?
— Mikey
NCAA Shill v. Homoeroticism.jpg

I choose balls in face.  That's not a thousandth as gross as being a relatively low paid shill for the NCAA.  Plus, the job takes me away from Maisy a lot.  Even more horrifying.  NCAA has policies I don't believe in and I think are bad for millions of people.  It's very hard to get me to compromise my ethics.  I'd rather be in the Dark Knight Rises prison again.

Repetitive Rap v. Sleeve Tearing

Would you rather listen to Game Over by Lil Flip once a week for twenty years or rip the sleeves off every shirt you own?
— Mikey

This one is actually pretty easy.  I listened to the song; it's your standard rap fare of bragging about wealth while vaguely dancing near partially dressed women.  If I had to listen to it once a week for twenty years, I'd come to hate it more than just about any other rap song, but that's kind of besides the point.  Let's just call it time wasted.  The song runs about three minutes, or a 180 seconds, and that time would essentially be completely wasted every time I listened to it.  Over twenty years that's 187,200 seconds wasted or 52 hours wasted.  If you value my time at $15 / hour, that's a cost of $780.  I just went through my closet.  I'd be disappointed at the loss of the sleeves of about ten of my favorite shirts, including a few new work shirts, but mostly, I need cooler clothes.  I'd guess the sum value of all my shirts is a hair higher than $800, and it'd certainly be more to replace them, but the investment itself would be worth something since so much of my wardrobe is faded shit t-shirts I've had for fifteen years.  Granted there's a time cost to replacing everything too, but put at about 10 hours, I'd say it's still worth ripping the sleeves off every shirt I own and then immediately going shopping.  Kind of close though.